All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely Players; They have their Exits and their Entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts… -- Shakespeare, As You Like It

About Me

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I like funny and lively conversations.I like persons who make me laugh.I like people who are honest, even to a fault.I like people who are brave enough to make certain decisions for themselves, and stand by it. I have good faith in people. During my free time, I like going to Trinoma or SM North EDSA. I also like to check out books from the bookstores. I also like eating Dairy Queen Blizzard, Jamaican patties and pasta dishes from Sbarro. And who doesn't like chocolate? Chocolate is good for the heart. But only in minimal amounts. :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Relaxing Songs

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This playlist is again a mixture of old and not so old tunes. I particularly like the jazzed up version of "Got to be There" which is a Jackson 5 original and I also like 90's music, where the modern RnB era started. TLC's songs are very funky and cool, as well as SWV. I like their take on "Human Nature" which is another MJ song. Anyway, these are relaxing songs according to me. Free from stress, calm and soothing. I think I ran out of synonyms, is what it is, RELAXING!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Simply Beautiful

random shots collage

First Row: Churches
Second Row: Mall
Third Row : Our Garden

I think my sister is a budding photographer in action. She takes pictures as a form of a hobby, and I'm the one who arranges it, as you can see in this collage.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Thank You for the Music

Such a nice song from the movie Mamma Mia.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

All About Internet Use

Here are articles I found on the net. It is about the ups and downs of internet use. Yeah, we all know that it's educational and informative, entertaining and fun. But it could be therapeutic too as well as addictive. Read down below.

Internet use and stigmatized illness
from Center for Health Policy and Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA (2005)


People with stigmatized illnesses often avoid seeking health care and education. The internet may be a useful health education and outreach tool for this group. This study examined patterns of internet use for health information among those with and without stigmatized illnesses. A national survey of internet users in the USA was conducted. Respondents who self-reported a stigmatized condition—defined as anxiety, depression, herpes, or urinary incontinence—were compared to respondents who reported having at least one other chronic illness, such as cancer, heart problems, diabetes, and back pain. The analytical sample consisted of 7014 respondents. Cross-sectional associations between stigmatized illness and frequency of internet use for information about health care, use of the internet for communication about health, changes in health care utilization after internet use, and satisfaction with the internet were determined. After controlling for a number of potential confounders, those with stigmatized illnesses were significantly more likely to have used the internet for health information, to have communicated with clinicians about their condition using the internet, and to have increased utilization of health care based on information found on the internet, than those with non-stigmatized conditions. Length of time spent online, frequency of internet use, satisfaction with health information found on the internet, and discussion of internet findings with health care providers did not significantly differ between the two groups. Results from this survey suggest that the internet may be a valuable health communication and education tool for populations who are affected by stigmatized illnesses.

Addiction to internet 'is an illness'

New evidence shows that heavy users suffer isolation, fatigue and withdrawal symptoms

* David Smith, technology correspondent
* The Observer, Sunday 23 March 2008
* Article history

Tense? Angry? Can't get online? Internet addiction is now a serious public health issue that should be officially recognised as a clinical disorder, according to a leading psychiatrist.

Excessive gaming, viewing online pornography, emailing and text messaging have been identified as causes of a compulsive-impulsive disorder by Dr Jerald Block, author of an editorial for the respected American Journal of Psychiatry. Block argues that the disorder is now so common that it merits inclusion in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the profession's primary resource to categorise and diagnose mental illnesses. He says internet addiction has four main components:

· Excessive use, often associated with a loss of sense of time or a neglect of basic drives;

· Withdrawal, including feelings of anger, tension and/or depression when the computer is inaccessible;

· The need for better computers, more software, or more hours of use;

· Negative repercussions, including arguments, lying, poor achievement, social isolation and fatigue.

A primary case study is South Korea, which has the greatest use of broadband in the world. Block points out that 10 people died from blood clots from remaining seated for long periods in internet cafes and another was murdered because of an online game. Their country now 'considers internet addiction one of its most serious public health issues'. The government estimates that around 210,000 South Korean children are affected and in need of treatment, of whom 80 per cent might need drugs targeting the brain and nearly a quarter could need to go to hospital. Since the average high school pupil there spends about 23 hours per week gaming, Block notes, another 1.2 million are believed to be at risk of addiction and require basic counselling. There has been alarm over a rising number of addicts dropping out of school or quitting their jobs to spend more time on computers. In China it has been reported that 13.7 per cent of adolescent internet users, about 10 million, could be considered addicts.

My Favorite Celebrities

  • Tom Cruise
    Tom Cruise
  • Brad Pitt
    Brad Pitt
  • Johnny Depp
    Johnny Depp
  • Tropic Thunder
    Ben Stiller
  • Luke
    Luke Wilson
  • Owen Wilson
    Owen Wilson
  • Orlando Bloom
    Orlando Blo...
  • My favorite actor of all time
    Hayden Chri...
  • Sherlock Holmes
    Jude Law
  • Hugh Grant
    Hugh Grant
  • Hart's War
    Bruce Willi...
  • the kigdom movie premiere
    Will Smith
  • Julia Roberts
    Julia Rober...
  • Nicole Kidman
    Nicole Kidm...
  • Jodie Foster
    Jodie Foste...
  • Renee Zellweger
    Renée Zellw...
  • Angelina
    Angelina Jo...
  • Jennifer Aniston
    Jennifer An...
  • Natalie Portman
    Natalie Por...
  • Halle Berry
    Halle Berry
  • cameron diaz
    Cameron Dia...
  • .

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