All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely Players; They have their Exits and their Entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts… -- Shakespeare, As You Like It

About Me

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I like funny and lively conversations.I like persons who make me laugh.I like people who are honest, even to a fault.I like people who are brave enough to make certain decisions for themselves, and stand by it. I have good faith in people. During my free time, I like going to Trinoma or SM North EDSA. I also like to check out books from the bookstores. I also like eating Dairy Queen Blizzard, Jamaican patties and pasta dishes from Sbarro. And who doesn't like chocolate? Chocolate is good for the heart. But only in minimal amounts. :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Superb Action!

Oh how I wish that we can do outrageous things in real life just like in the movies. As a certified movie buff, I am always in awe of films with high production values, spectacular stunts, as well as death-defying scenes.

I must say I was first impressed with “The Matrix." I like its fast-paced editing, and its coolness. Keanu Reeves helped a lot. He was really a stand out in shades. The slow motion scenes and the falling down scenes from a building seem to take forever, and it would seem they are eternally suspended in air, but who cares? Who says films had to be realistic and rational at all times?

Another one is “Swordfish.” I don’t like violence in real life but I have to give a thumbs up sign to the bombing scene. I am not familiar with the special effects that they use, but there seems to be a 360 degree turn of the camera, a slow motion, as well as close-up shots presenting the fine details of the scene. It was a sight to behold, only in the movies.

“Kill Bill” is also unique, because the film is not stereotypical. It has elements of surprise, and violence is presented in an artistic way. Just like how we would see it in a video game. An anime scene was also inserted and it blended well in the scope of the entire movie. The story telling is innovative too.

Next is “Wanted.” It was not heavily promoted in our country, but there was the Angelina Jolie Factor. I like it when a lady kicks ass. It’s time for some woman power. James McAvoy didn’t disappoint me at all. His role fits him to a T. I like the combination of his boyish charm, vulnerability, and his transformation from an ordinary clerk, to a skillful assassin is simply awesome! Yeah, the scenes were simply incredible and too hard to believe, but then again this is entertainment, so why should we complain?

Last but not the least, I would like to mention “District 9.” I didn’t have any idea of how the movie would be like at first. But I guess the movie poster made me curious. I thought it was like Resident Evil, aliens version.

Well, I must say that the first 30 minutes was kinda dragging and I have to get used to the documentary style of presenting the film. I was wondering how long it would last and I’ll never forgive myself if this turns out to be a bore. But after some time, I told myself not to have any misgivings and just take the film for what it is.

The scenes that looked like they were taken from broadcast news turns out to be scenes,that were actually made for the movie. If only for that, it got my seal of approval. It reflected the film's high production value,remarkable editing,as well as the film's intention of bringing a good story to the viewers. After some time, it finally dawned on me that the documentary style was just the introduction. Thank God!

After the film was able to establish its premise, now comes the blow by blow account of what’s to happen next. The suspense is building up. It's like deja vu. It's like watching Iron Man and Transformers. The film totally exceeded my expectations. The lead actor is not famous but he gave an incredible performance. He gave a very realistic portrayal of his role. Not bad for an actor who is relatively unknown.

So go and see the movie! The film has superb action and it will also touch your heart towards the end.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


When I think of the word borderline, I remember the first hit of Madonna. She was young then and I think she was the real epitome of a pop star before the emergence of Britney Spears. She had a style all her own. It was slutty but nevertheless cute."Borderline" has simple lyrics and melody but during the start of the MTV era, her video was one of the breakthrough videos. Adolescents would idolize her and copy her fashion.

But another definition of Borderline has something to do with personality disorders in Psychiatry.

We study this in school.In psychiatry, It says that:

DSM-IV defines ten categories of personality disorder. Of these, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is the most frequent in clinical practice. BPD is also one of the most difficult and troubling problems in all of psychiatry.
But I have to admit I never understood it before until I was able to see a prime example in real life. Believe me, I think it's really difficult to deal with someone with this kind of disorder, especially if a love one or someone close to you is afflicted with it. To give you an idea of some of the characteristics of this disorder. Here are some characteristics:

They have consistent patterns of instability in their relationships.

They commonly complain of depression and boredom.

They have very little control over their impulses.

They have a fragile and unstable self-image and affect.

They exert a lot of energy avoiding abandonment, whether real or imaginary.

Their relationships tend to be intense and short-lived.

They alternately idealize and devalue others, particularly their mates.

They make excessive emotional demands in close relationships.

They have difficulty tolerating ambivalence.

They always seem to be in a state of crisis.

Their behavior is highly unpredictable.

They place people in polar extremes, either all good or all bad.


It is no secret that this particular client group can be something of a nightmare when it comes to finding effective therapeutic interventions. The treatment of BPD is fraught with difficulty, particularly in an in-patient setting where many borderline behaviors result in discord among the staff or where the demands made upon an individual nurse can become extremely unrealistic.

Treatment of BPD falls into two main categories - pharmacology, incorporating a range of medication options and psychotherapeutic techniques ranging from supportive counseling to psychoanalysis. Although many of the treatments available fall firmly outside the remit of the RMN it does no harm for nurses to understand the options available.

Pharmacological treatments include:

SSRIs to combat the deficiencies in serotonin absorption.

Neuroleptics to treat psychotic symptoms as well as dysphoria .

Carbamazepine has been used in the treatment of behavioral and affective problems.

Psychotherapeutic approaches to Borderline Personality Disorder are dogged with the same problems of compliance as pharmacological approaches are. This is in no small measure due to the difficulty Borderline patients have in forming the stable relationships generally seen as a pre-requisite for therapy.

Anyway, this blog is by no means trying to stigmatize personality disorders. It is caused by a lot of factors and anybody could be afflicted with it. Here is a diagram to help us understand the causes of psychological disorders.

But I believe that people afflicted with it should be compliant in their treatment, in order to manage their illness. A strong support group also helps.

My Favorite Celebrities

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  • .

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