All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely Players; They have their Exits and their Entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts… -- Shakespeare, As You Like It

About Me

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I like funny and lively conversations.I like persons who make me laugh.I like people who are honest, even to a fault.I like people who are brave enough to make certain decisions for themselves, and stand by it. I have good faith in people. During my free time, I like going to Trinoma or SM North EDSA. I also like to check out books from the bookstores. I also like eating Dairy Queen Blizzard, Jamaican patties and pasta dishes from Sbarro. And who doesn't like chocolate? Chocolate is good for the heart. But only in minimal amounts. :)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

You Are The Sunshine of My Life

*This is the song that I like at the moment. I think this is a very sweet song. It focuses on the positive aspects of love.

You are the sunshine of my life
Thats why Ill always be around,
You are the apple of my eye,
Forever youll stay in my heart

I feel like this is the beginning,
Though Ive loved you for a million years,
And if I thought our love was ending,
Id find myself drowning in my own tears.

You are the sunshine of my life,
Thats why Ill always stay around,
You are the apple of my eye,
Forever youll stay in my heart,

You must have known that I was lonely,
Because you came to my rescue,
And I know that this must be heaven,
How could so much love be inside of you?

You are the sunshine of my life, yeah,
Thats why Ill always stay around,
You are the apple of my eye,
Forever youll stay in my heart.

(background) love has joined us,
Love has joined us,
Lets think sweet love.

This Thing Called Love

Love can make people do extraordinary things….

Love can also make people do crazy things….

There is love that is worth fighting for….

There is also the love that you have to let go…

Sometimes love is not the answer….

And every question does not need an answer…

Be grateful for every moment, fleeting it may be…

It’s enough to make a difference in each other’s lives…

That’s the way things should be…

Remember each other with a smile…

Let time stand still…

Capture the moment., like a perfect photograph…

Like a beautiful flower that doesn’t wither or die…

Letting Go

Letting go is such a painful experience.We might have invested a lot of time and effort to make a relationship work, but things don't always work out, then we realize that the only thing constant in this world is change. But we have to move on and accept that things have come to an end. And endings are usually new beginnings. Here is a poem I wrote about this subject.

This Is The End

I was all set to make you just a part of my history.

To put an end to this sad and crazy story.

I know that I really couldn’t be part if your life.

Whatever I do, I couldn’t really give it a fight.

I know that this is the end.

I’m not sure if I can still be a friend.

I always wanted to please you, and be near you.

All I want is you, and but I wish I could find someone new.

But once you give me a flicker of hope,I want more.

You made me believe this is a love that’s worth fighting for.

I know in my heart that I’m the one who loves you more,

I feel helpless, and I can’t fight it no more.

I know this is wrong.

It’s like a worn out song.

I love you, but the feeling is not the same.

You treat this whole thing as a game.

So, it has to stop.

Before I become a laughing stock.

You left me, and hurt me, but that’s alright.

Because I didn’t how to end it, and how to make things right.

Thank you for putting a stop to all this craziness.

For all your viciousness.

That’s the only way to forget you, by hurting me.

And by getting the best out of me..

Separation and the Desire to be Reunited

Music Playlist at

I just like the song of FM STATIC, "TONIGHT." People usually write about Emo stuff, so why not some sweet stuff such as being reunited? This blog was inspired by this song.
Coz when I look back on the day when we first met,
I knew it was something SPECIAL and MAGICAL.
We’ve seen each other through the good times and bad times.
I hate to admit that I MISS YOU.
I do lots of things to keep myself busy.
It’s HARD for me to just stay at home and REMEMBER the times that we spent TOGETHER. And during those RARE MOMENTS that we meet, you still bring TEARS to my EYES.
TEARS of JOY and it brings back the HOPE that SOMEDAY we’ll be together ONCE MORE.


I have to confess I have so many personal websites, so is there a need for me to put up another one? I have to admit this site is user friendly. This is solely for blogging. It lacks the fanciness of other sites but that is what makes it unique. It is simple therefore, it is easy on the eye. This is another venue for me to share my thoughts and opinions.

The topics I usually write about? Well, it's about love, songs and movies. Those things interests me. I have decided to import some of my blogs from other sites here. But I would make sure that this site would be more simple without frills.

My Favorite Celebrities

  • Tom Cruise
    Tom Cruise
  • Brad Pitt
    Brad Pitt
  • Johnny Depp
    Johnny Depp
  • Tropic Thunder
    Ben Stiller
  • Luke
    Luke Wilson
  • Owen Wilson
    Owen Wilson
  • Orlando Bloom
    Orlando Blo...
  • My favorite actor of all time
    Hayden Chri...
  • Sherlock Holmes
    Jude Law
  • Hugh Grant
    Hugh Grant
  • Hart's War
    Bruce Willi...
  • the kigdom movie premiere
    Will Smith
  • Julia Roberts
    Julia Rober...
  • Nicole Kidman
    Nicole Kidm...
  • Jodie Foster
    Jodie Foste...
  • Renee Zellweger
    Renée Zellw...
  • Angelina
    Angelina Jo...
  • Jennifer Aniston
    Jennifer An...
  • Natalie Portman
    Natalie Por...
  • Halle Berry
    Halle Berry
  • cameron diaz
    Cameron Dia...
  • .

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